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Tino e Tasi Samoan language preschools are forging ahead

EbinDW workshop with Tino e Tasi preschools

Tino e Tasi Samoan language preschools are forging ahead with their multilingual and multimodal innovative practices by hosting Professional Development Days in Christchurch for Christchurch and Dunedin staff. On Saturday 23 March, our lead research assistant Leona Harris was honoured to present alongside Ruta McKenzie (CORE Education Facilitator) and Joeana Togiaso (UC Lecturer). As well as providing a Samoan language immersion environment for young children, the teachers and staff are dedicated to welcoming and encouraging all children, family and staff to bring along their baskets of knowledge and entire linguistic repertoire. With recently confirmed funding, Tino e Tasi will continue their journey in the development of digital language resources …so watch this space!

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